
Articles, videos, and podcast episodes we came across recently and can’t stop thinking about:

Smartphones Are Driving Everyone Insane | LinkedIn Pulse Article
Dr. Travis Bradberry discusses statistics on common phone usage and impacts it can have on one’s professional life.

Why 30 Percent of Millennials Want to Ditch Their Employer Within a Year | Article
A discussion on Millennials’ tendency to change jobs rapidly, and what you as an employer can do to prevent your own younger workers from being tempted to leave your company.

Snowball of Accountability (Leadership Transformation) | YouTube Video
An animation that brings to life the ‘Snowball’ metaphor. It describes a virtuous snowball of accountability that propels the change effort forward; starting with the leader, and building momentum as others are ‘swept up’ in the journey.

Email: Is It Time to Just Ban It? | Harvard Business Review Podcast Episode
David Burkus, author of Under New Management, explains why some companies are taking extreme measures to limit electronic communication.

Angela Duckworth on Grit | EconTalk Podcast Episode
How important is grit relative to talent? Can grit be taught? Angela Duckworth, author of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, talks with about the nature of success in work, play and life.


Upcoming local HR industry events we are counting down the days to:

PHRMA Luncheon Featuring Dan Price, Gravity Payment
October 12 | 
Dan Price, CEO of Gravity Payments, chose to take a 90% personal salary reduction in order to give all of his employees a $70,000 salary. Hear about his reasoning for the decision and insights into why his method has worked.

CFO + HR Leadership Exchange: Compensation, Hiring and Equity Trends
November 8 |
 Technology Association of Oregon
David Knopping from Radford will lead a discussion on key trends in compensation, merit budgets, hiring, turnover and equity practices that are critical for companies as they navigate this rapidly changing landscape. Over dinner, attendees will engage in an interactive discussion on specific trends in Portland and share best practices.